Not known Factual Statements About rheumatoid arthritis test

Around the world, many people suffer from the inability of their immune systems to differentiate between healthy cells or invading microorganisms. They are being attacked by the immune defenses to diseases that were once there to protect them.

International research is being undertaken to stop this trend. This includes a project at London's Francis Crick Institute where two world experts, James Lee, and Carola Vinuesa, have formed separate research groups to identify the root causes of autoimmune diseases.

Lee disclosed to the Observer how the number of autoimmune cases has increased over the last 40 years in the West. There are now cases in countries where we had never seen such diseases.

The Middle East, East Asia and Africa have seen the highest rise in inflammatory bowel disorder cases in recent years. They had never before experienced the disease.

Autoimmune diseases can range from type 1 diabetes to rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of the bowel and multiple sclerosis. Each situation is distinct. In all cases the immune system is crossing its wires, and it switches to healthy tissue rather than infectious agents.

There are at least 4,000,000 people suffering from autoimmune disorders in the UK and some suffer from multiple. In the world, it's thought that the number of autoimmune disorders is increasing at the rate of 3 to 9 percent per year. Many scientists believe that environmental factors play a major role in this rise.

Lee, who previously worked in Cambridge University, said that the human genetic makeup is not changing over the past decades. There's something else that's responsible for the predisposition of autoimmune diseases.

Vinuesa was the one who backed this notion. Vinuesa was previously at the Australian National University. She pointed out that diet changes were happening as more countries adopted Western-style diets, and more people purchased fast food.

Vinuesa stated that the lack of essential ingredients in fast-food food can cause a reduction in the intake of essential nutrients, like fibre.

These changes in microbiomes lead to autoimmune diseases. There are more than 100 kinds.

Both scientists said that individuals are susceptible to getting these diseases. They include celiac and Lupus, which can cause swelling and inflammation and result in damage to various organs including the heart.

"If you don't possess a certain genetic susceptibility, you won't necessarily get an auto-immune disease regardless of how many Big Macs eat," said Vinuesa. "We have no way to slow the growth of fast-food restaurants all over the world. Instead, we are focusing in understanding the genetic factors that cause autoimmune diseases and the reasons why certain people are susceptible while others are not. We're determined to solve this issue at a high degree.

Thanks to modern techniques, researchers are now able to pinpoint tiny variations in DNA that exist between large numbers of individuals. It is possible to determine common genetic patterns between those with an autoimmune disorder.

Until very recently we did not have the tools for this, but we're able to sequence DNA on a huge scale, and it has transformed everything, according to Lee. My research showed that there were about six DNA variants involved in the trigger Read More of inflammatory bowel disease. We now have over 250.

This is at the core of the work done by Lee and Vinuesa. They seek to determine the functions of different genetic pathways and uncover the various kinds of diseases that doctors are currently studying. Vinuesa has stated that there are many types of autoimmune diseases such as Lupus. It can be difficult to determine the best treatment.

We have lots of potentially useful new therapies that are being developed constantly However, we don't know what patients to recommend them to, because we now realise we aren't sure of the version of the disease they are suffering from. This is why research into autoimmune diseases is now a top priority. To provide the best treatment, we have to understand how Check out to group patients.

Lee said that there are now more autoimmune illnesses than ever before, and that new drugs and treatments are needed urgently. According to Lee, currently there is no cure for autoimmune disorders. They usually occur in teens who are trying to finish their education and find an employment.

The result is that more people will need surgery, or will require regular injections for the rest their lives. This can be very difficult for patients and place stress on the health system. So, it is essential to come up with effective and novel methods of treatment.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune condition. It is a condition where the immune system attacks healthy tissue. It's still not identified what causes this.

The antibodies your immune system produces to fight viruses and bacteria are what you need to fight infection.

If you suffer from rheumatoid disease, your immune system misdirectly issuing antibodies towards the joint's lining, where they attack adjacent tissue.

This causes the thin layer, or synovium, of cells that cover your joints to become sore. It also releases chemicals that can cause injury nearby.


Cartilage - The connective tissue that is stretchy and connects bones

Tendons - The tissue that connects muscle to bone

Ligaments - The connective tissue between cartilage and bone

If rheumatoid isn't treated, the chemicals slowly cause the joint lose its shape. Eventually, it can destroy the joint completely.

There are many theories as to why the immune system attacks the joints. One theory is that an infection could be a trigger. However, none of these theories have been confirmed.

Possible risk factors

You may be more at the risk of developing rheumatoidarthritis when you perform the following:

Genes. There are some signs that rheumatoid-related arthritis may be a family trait. Since genes play only a small role in the development of the condition and progression, there's a low risk of the disease being passed to the next generation.

hormones. Rheumatoid arthritis can be more prevalent in women than men, which could be due to effects of the hormone estrogen, though this has not been proven

Smoking is a major risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis. Some evidence supports this.

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